WorldView-2 Satellite Sensor
WorldView-2 is a commercial Earth observation satellite equipped with a high-resolution optical sensor. It is part of the WorldView series operated by Maxar Technologies formerly known as DigitalGlobe, a company that provides geospatial information and satellite imagery. Here are some key features and specifications of the WorldView-2 satellite sensor:
Launch Date: WorldView-2 was launched on October 8, 2009.
Spatial Resolution: One of the notable features of WorldView-2 is its high spatial resolution. It is capable of capturing imagery with a spatial resolution of 46 centimeters (18 inches) in the panchromatic (black and white) mode and 1.84 meters (6 feet) in the multispectral mode.
Multispectral Bands: The satellite sensor has eight multispectral bands, covering a range of wavelengths from visible to near-infrared. These bands are useful for various applications, including agriculture, environmental monitoring, and land cover classification.
Panchromatic Band: In addition to the multispectral bands, WorldView-2 has a panchromatic band that provides high-resolution black-and-white imagery. This band is particularly useful for detailed visual interpretation and mapping.
Spectral Capabilities: The multispectral bands of WorldView-2 cover the following spectral ranges:
Coastal: 400 - 450 nm
Blue: 450 - 510 nm
- Green: 510 - 580 nm
Yellow: 585 - 625 nm
Red: 630 - 69 nm
Red Edge: 705 - 745 nm
NIR1: 770 - 895 nm
NIR2: 860 - 1040 nm
Revisit Time: The revisit time of the WorldView-2 satellite is dependent on various factors such as its orbit and the imaging task. However, it generally can revisit specific locations on Earth frequently.
Applications: WorldView-2's high-resolution imagery has diverse applications, including urban planning, agriculture monitoring, environmental assessment, disaster response, and defense intelligence.
Orbit: The satellite operates in a sun-synchronous orbit, which means it passes over specific areas of the Earth at the same local solar time on each orbit.
For more information, please feel free to reach us at:
USA (HQ): (720) 702–4849
India: 98931 06211
Canada: (519) 590 9999
Mexico: 55 5941 3755
UK & Spain: +44 12358 56710